What was Theseus doing when he found Arcite and Palamon?

What was Theseus doing when he found Arcite and Palamon?

What does Theseus do when he finds out why Palamon and Theseus are fighting? Theseus banishes them for a year, to get 100 knights and battle in a tournament. What prize would the winner receive in the tournament?

What happens when Palamon and Arcite meet in the woods What does Theseus determine about their fates?

What does Theseus determine about their fates? Palamon told Arcite he is a traitor and that Palamon is the only on to love Emily. Palamon and Arcite agree to fight until one dies. Theseus decides the one who kills or captures the other shall have Emily.

Where were Palamon and Arcite from in the Knight’s Tale?

Palamon and Arcite, two cousins from Thebes, have been captured and imprisoned by Duke Theseus of Athens. From their prison cell, they both see Emily, the Duke’s sister-in-law, fall in love with her and immediately begin fighting over her.

How does Arcite respond to Palamon’s claim that he is breaking their oath what becomes of their relationship?

Arcite falls in love with the same woman. Palamon calls Arcite his confidant and sworn brother, but Arcite breaks the oath of knighthood and he goes after the same woman. They represent lust and love.

How is Palamon defeated?

Palamon prays to Venus, not for victory but for the hand of Emily. Emily prays to Diana to be spared marriage to either Palamon or Arcite, praying instead to remain a maiden always. Arcite prays to Mars for victory in the tournament.

In what ways do Palamon and Arcite seem like idea knights?

In lots of ways, both Palamon and Arcite represent everything that a knight ought to be. For one, they’ve sworn an oath of brotherhood, which requires them to protect one another and to help each other out with everything.

Who do Palamon Emily and Arcite pray to and what do they ask for?

After a year has passed, Palamon and Arcite return to Athens, where everybody is ready to watch the competition and party. On the morning of the joust, the two knights and Emily visit the different temples. Palamon prays to Venus to grant him Emily, while Arcite asks Mars for victory in the joust.

How does arcite respond to Palamon’s claim that he is breaking their oath what becomes of their relationship?

How are Palamon and Arcite like ideal Knights?

What challenge does Arcite make to Palamon?

He and Arcite bicker. Arcite challenges Palamon to a duel, promising to return the next day with armor and weapons for Palamon, to ensure a fair fight.

What does Arcite disguise himself as?

Arcite disguises himself as a common laborer and comes back to Athens, where he gets a job working in Emily’s household. Meanwhile, Palamon escapes from prison, and the rival cousins chance to meet in a grove near Athens. Arcite prays to Mars for victory in the tournament.

Who was Palamon praying to?

On the evening before the battle, Palamon, Emilie, and Arcite pray. Palamon prays to Venus, goddess of love; Emilie prays to Diana, goddess of chastity; and Arcite prays to Mars, god of war. All receive a vision indicating that their prayers will be answered.


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