Why did Indonesia want East Timor?

Why did Indonesia want East Timor?

The Indonesian invasion of East Timor, known in Indonesia as Operation Lotus (Indonesian: Operasi Seroja), began on 7 December 1975 when the Indonesian military (ABRI/TNI) invaded East Timor under the pretext of anti-colonialism and anti-communism to overthrow the Fretilin regime that had emerged in 1974.

What happened in the East Timor genocide?

In June 1976, TNI troops badly battered by a Fretilin attack exacted retribution against a large refugee camp housing 5–6,000 Timorese at Lamaknan near the West Timor border. After setting several houses on fire, Indonesian soldiers massacred as many as 4,000 men, women and children.

Who owns East Timor?

The Island of Timor is currently divided in two parts: the West is part of the Republic of Indonesia with provincial capital in Kupang; while the East, whose capital is Dili since its independence, had been a Portuguese territory since the 16th century.

Why is Timor split?

Around 600 of the 1,400-strong Timorese army rebelled after being dismissed when they protested against discrimination against easterners. The police split along similar lines and also clashed with the army until the government ordered them all out of the capital and called in an Australian-led force to restore order.

Is Timor-Leste the poorest country in the world?

After a referendum in which 78.5% of Timorese voted for independence, Indonesia renounced control of the region in 1999, and it obtained official sovereign state status on May 20, 2002, under the name of Timor-Leste. Yet years following independence, Timor-Leste remains one of the world’s poorest countries.

Bagaimana yang terjadi antara Timor Timur dan Timor Barat?

Pembagian politik antara Timor Timur dan Timor Barat. Pada tahun 1974, di Portugal terjadi Revolusi Bunga (atau disebut juga Revolusi Anyelir) yang mendorong Portugal mengeluarkan kebijakan dekolonisasi dan mulai meninggalkan wilayah jajahannya termasuk Timor Timur.

Mengapa Portugal kembali menduduki Timor Timur?

Namun, setelah Indonesia merdeka tanggal 17 Agustus 1945, Portugal kembali menduduki kawasan itu. Pada 1974, perubahan di Timor Timur mulai muncul seiring bergolaknya politik di Portugal.

Apakah Timor Timur dan NKRI pernah terikat?

Timor Timur dan NKRI pernah terikat sejarah sejak 17 Juli 1976 hingga 30 Agustus 1999. tirto.id – Sejak 17 Juli 1976, Timor Timur atau Timor Leste resmi “bergabung” dengan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

Apakah wilayah koloni baru Portugal berdiri di Timor?

Pada tahun 1702, sebuah wilayah koloni baru Portugal berdiri di Timor dan beribukota di Lifau, yang juga menjadi ibu kota dari semua wilayah kekuasaan Portugal di Kepulauan Nusa Tenggara. Sejak saat itu, wilayah koloni Portugal di Pulau Timor dikenali sebagai “Timor Portugis”.



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