Will Self Dorian summary?

Will Self Dorian summary?

Will Self, Author . Self uses Wilde’s plot to examine post-Stonewall gay life, from its drug-fueled hedonistic excesses to the reckoning of the AIDS epidemic. The novel skewers every layer of British society—street hustlers, members of Parliament and the idle rich.

What is Dorian obsessed with?

Dorian’s pursuits move away from religion and philosophy. He becomes obsessed with perfumes, then music, jewels and tapestries.

Is there any redemption for Dorian?

The main character, Dorian Gray, commits plenty of sins and has the opportunities for redemption, however, when Dorian tries to atone for his wrongdoings he is unsuccessful. Dorians’ underlying intentions keeps him from redemption, due to his hedonistic views.

What type of character is Dorian?

A radiantly handsome, impressionable, and wealthy young gentleman, whose portrait the artist Basil Hallward paints. Under the influence of Lord Henry Wotton, Dorian becomes extremely concerned with the transience of his beauty and begins to pursue his own pleasure above all else.

What chapter does Dorian hide the portrait?

Chapter 10
Summary and Analysis Chapter 10. For most of this chapter, Dorian is concerned with moving the portrait to an attic room where it will be safely hidden. He calls for Victor, his servant, who enters the room. It occurs to Dorian that the servant has had access to the portrait and may have looked behind the screen.

How does Dorian Gray sell his soul?

The legend tells of a learned doctor who sells his soul to the devil in return for knowledge and magical abilities. Although Dorian Gray never contracts with the devil, his sacrifice is similar: he trades his soul for the luxury of eternal youth.

What crimes did Dorian Gray commit?

His fame as a playwright and the scandal of his downfall, when he would be arrested and imprisoned for acts of ‘gross indecency’ with other men in 1895, still awaited him. His relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas would prove literally fatal.

What age rating is Dorian Gray?

An incomplete version of DORIAN GRAY was originally submitted to the BBFC for advice. The BBFC advised the company that, as it stood, the film was likely to achieve an ’18’ classification. However, the company was also informed that reductions in two scenes could result in the requested ’15’ classification.

What does Dorian Gray fear?

Dorian’s fear points to an important theme in the book: A life devoted solely to the pursuit of selfish pleasure will always be marred by self-con-scious fear. Dorian has what he wants — eternal youth and a life filled with pleasure — but he can’t fully enjoy his life for fear that his secret will be discovered.


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