What does the reaction center complex do?

What does the reaction center complex do? The reaction centre contains pigments such as chlorophyll and phaeophytin. These absorb light, promoting an electron to a higher energy level within the pigment. The free energy created is used to reduce an electron acceptor and is critical for the production of chemical energy during photosynthesis. What is […]

Is Bell Internet better than Videotron?

Is Bell Internet better than Videotron? Bell leads download speeds Across both 3G and 4G, Bell tops our latest download speed results from October, with average speeds of 27.11 Mbps. Videotron takes second place, scoring 17.67 Mbps, closely followed by Telus, Rogers and Freedom, which scored 16.16 Mbps, 14.59 Mbps and 13.58 Mbps respectively. Is […]

What is the EXT port on N64?

What is the EXT port on N64? Plugging into the extension port on the underside of the console, the 64DD allows the Nintendo 64 to use proprietary 64MB magnetic disks for expanded and rewritable data storage, a real-time clock for persistent game world design, and a standard font and audio library for further storage efficiency. […]

What is ISP decimator?

What is ISP decimator? ISP Technologies introduces the Decimator II™ G String noise reduction pedal, second generation of the Decimator™ Noise reduction. The G String Pedal tracks the signal directly from the guitar, which allows you to switch from clean to high gain without ever changing the threshold setting. What does a decimator pedal do? […]

What position if air embolism is suspected?

What position if air embolism is suspected? Treatment should be instituted immediately on suspicion of air embolism. The patient should immediately be placed in a Trendelenburg and left lateral decubitus position. What should you do if air embolism is suspected? A diver with a suspected air or gas embolism should be transferred to an A&E […]

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