Why is the Grand Palais famous?

Why is the Grand Palais famous? Located in the heart of Paris on the Avenue des Champs-Élysées, the Grand Palais is the iconic monument of the Rmn-GP. Built for the Universal Exhibition in 1900 and dedicated “by the French Republic to the glory of French art”, it was designated as a historic monument in 2000. […]

What is an example of figuratively?

What is an example of figuratively? When to use figuratively: Figuratively refers to language that is hyperbolic or metaphorical. It can also refer to a figure of speech. For example: His face turned as red as a beet, figuratively speaking of course. What are some examples of literal and figurative language? Literal: it means what […]

Why are Bahai persecuted in Iran?

Why are Bahai persecuted in Iran? The persecution of Baha’is is largely due to the perceived political threat posed to the Islamic state by another widely practiced religion. Iranian laws protect the human rights of religious minorities, except those that conspire against Islam. Is Bahai banned in Iran? Iran’s Constitution does not recognize the Baha’i […]

What the Founding Fathers said about religion?

What the Founding Fathers said about religion? He said: “Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence […]

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