What is the anion in hydrochloric acid?

What is the anion in hydrochloric acid? HCl, which contains the anion chloride, is called hydrochloric acid. HCN, which contains the anion cyanide, is called hydrocyanic acid….More videos on YouTube. Formula HCl Anion Cl- is Anion name chloride Acid Name acid What is the anion in sulfuric acid? Naming Acids Anion Suffix Example Example -ide […]

What is a single cantilever bridge?

What is a single cantilever bridge? Cantilever bridges are dental bridges that are designed when abutment teeth are prepared on only one side of the missing toothless gap. In such cases, the pontic is located outside the abutment teeth. Can you cantilever an implant? Although success rates dwindle with cantilevers in tooth-based prostheses, implants seem […]

Are bagpipes banned in war?

Are bagpipes banned in war? Approximately 50 years later, the British rescinded their ban on the instrument in an effort to recruit Soldiers for their army. To this day, bagpipes and the military have been inextricably tied together. While the pipes were still played in World War I, they have faded from combat but not […]

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