What are some classroom technologies?

What are some classroom technologies? Here is a tour of the technology shaping today’s classrooms. Creative spaces. Projectors. Smartboards. Smart tables. Laptops, tablets, phones, and more. Digital textbooks. Cameras. Audio enhancements. What is interactive technology in classrooms? Interactive technology in classrooms is a type of educational technology (EdTech) that allows students to not only view […]

What is the classification of an anglerfish?

What is the classification of an anglerfish? Ray-finned fishes Anglerfish/Class What phylum are humpback anglerfish in? Chordate Humpback anglerfish/Phylum Is an angler fish unicellular or multicellular? johnsonii is a multicellular eukaryotic organism that is motile and thrives as a heterotroph. What zone do anglerfish live in? bathypelagic zone The deep sea anglerfish, also known as […]

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