What is PTC type thermistor?

What is PTC type thermistor? PTC thermistors are resistors with a positive temperature coefficient, which means that the resistance increases with increasing temperature. PTC thermistors are divided into two groups based on the materials used, their structure, and the manufacturing process. The second group is the switching type PTC thermistor. How does a PTC thermistor […]

How do you test for thyrotoxic myopathy?

How do you test for thyrotoxic myopathy? Blood tests are then conducted to determine the specific myopathy. For TM, blood tests reveal increased thyroxine levels. Increased thyroxine levels accompanied with decreased neuromuscular responses together provide best evidence for TM diagnosis. Creatine phosphokinase levels are also examined during the blood tests. What labs indicate hyperthyroidism? Blood […]

Which protein is better than plant protein?

Which protein is better than plant protein? Animal Protein Also Has Health Benefits Animal protein is also associated with positive health effects, despite often being portrayed as unhealthy compared to plant protein ( 26 ). The Nurses’ Health study reported that poultry, fish and low-fat dairy were associated with a lower risk of heart disease […]

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