How long does serum sickness last?

How long does serum sickness last? Prognosis/Possible Complications Serum sickness usually improves in 7 to 10 days, with full recovery in 2 to 4 weeks. However, it may lead to nervous system disorders and a life-threatening allergic reaction called anaphylaxis, so it is important to get medical treatment. What are the symptoms of serum sickness? […]

What are the 7 sacred oils?

What are the 7 sacred oils? From the later Fifth Dynasty small slabs like this were placed in the burial chamber. From right to left the oils named are: setj-heb oil; heknu oil; seftj oil; nekhnem oil; tua oil; hatet ash oil [‘best pine oil’]; hatet tjehenu oild [‘best tjehnu oil’]. Joseph Sams Collection no. […]

Where do police sell stolen goods?

Where do police sell stolen goods? Bumblebee Auctions is the national police website for selling off lost or stolen goods that the police have not been able to reunite with their owners. Do police have car auctions? Police car auctions are pretty much the same as any other car auctions. The biggest advantage of this […]

What are lieutenant governors duties?

What are lieutenant governors duties? Duties in most states Generally, the lieutenant governor is the state’s highest officer following the governor and assumes the role when the governor is out of state or incapacitated. The lieutenant governor also becomes the governor should the governor die, resign or be removed from office. What responsibilities does the […]

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