Is a 9mm Luger a hollow point?

Is a 9mm Luger a hollow point? Hollow Point Jacketed Hollow Point Hunting & Self Defense Ammo. What is the most powerful 9mm round? “The new munition, which is also called the Udav cartridge, yields a high casualty-producing effect and is one of the world’s most powerful 9mm rounds,” Rostec quoted TsNIITochMash CEO Albert Bakov […]

What is the Universal Protocol for Preventing Wrong Site wrong procedure and wrong person surgery?

What is the Universal Protocol for Preventing Wrong Site wrong procedure and wrong person surgery? The Universal Protocol provides guidance for health care professionals. It consists of three key steps: conducting a pre-procedure verification process, marking the procedure site, and performing a time-out. What should a nurse do to reduce wrong site surgery? Here are […]

How much did Ibori loot?

How much did Ibori loot? The 4.2 million pounds was stolen by former Delta governor James Ibori and lodged in UK accounts. Mr Ibori was convicted in the UK for money laundering and has served his term. What happened Ibori? What happened to Ibori? Once he was eventually released, he returned to Nigeria and sued […]

What is a pip in FX?

What is a pip in FX? Pip is an acronym for “percentage in point” or “price interest point.” A pip is the smallest price move that an exchange rate can make based on forex market convention. Most currency pairs are priced out to four decimal places and the pip change is the last (fourth) decimal […]

What is a tailing basin?

What is a tailing basin? Tailings basin means a natural or artificial impoundment in which gangue or other refuse material resulting from the washing, concentration or treatment of ground taconite iron ore is confined. What is the purpose of tailings? Tailings are the waste products from mining. Mechanical and chemical processes are used to grind […]

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