What is spirogyra method of locomotion?

What is spirogyra method of locomotion? Spirogyra form long filaments, and it’s the bending and curving of these filaments that allow these protists to move, albeit slowly, to orient themselves towards light. And remember, they need light because they undergo photosynthesis. Does spirogyra have motility? Spirogyra and Closterium exhibit active motility. This motility is associated […]

What is front end database?

What is front end database? A database front end refers to the user interface or application that enables accessing tabular, structured or raw data stored within it. The front end holds the entire application programming utility for data, requests input and sends it to the database back-end. How do you connect frontend and backend database? […]

What are the different types of fruit cakes?

What are the different types of fruit cakes? Fruitcake: Delicious or Doorstop? Alton Brown’s Free Range Fruitcake – Full of real fruit – not the “candied” kind. Taste of the Tropics Fruit Cake – A light, fruity cake with coconut. Caribbean Black Fruitcake – A dark, rum-soaked cake flavored with burnt sugar. What are some […]

What are Vito Corleone people called?

What are Vito Corleone people called? Vito Corleone Real name Antonio Andolini Jr. (Changed to Vito Corleone in New York’s Ellis Island) Also known as Vito, Tito, Rito, kid, old fart, old man, Don Corleone, Boss, papa, The Godfather, traitor, Italian, Vittorio, gangster of France City, grandpa, s-face, Vitya Nationality Sammarinese Born 19th July, 1950 […]

Are PC game mods illegal?

Are PC game mods illegal? Modding may be an unauthorized change made to a software or hardware to a platform in gaming. However, the DMCA states that it is illegal to circumvent copyright protection software, even for non-infringing uses such as backing up legally owned games. Is getting mods illegal? Generally speaking, it is not […]

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