What is the number 70 in Spanish?

What is the number 70 in Spanish? setenta Spanish numbers 50-100 Numeral In Spanish 68 sesenta y ocho 69 sesenta y nueve 70 setenta 71 setenta y uno What are the Spanish numbers 1 100 accents? The four numbers on this list that have accent marks are: dieciséis, veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis….Counting from 0 to […]

What is Sugoi Dekai?

What is Sugoi Dekai? Sugoi dekai is a Japanese phrase that means “So big!” in English. It is commonly used to have a similar meaning to the English word, “Great!” The word great also technically means big, or large, but is colloquially used to mean fantastic, awesome, or terrific. What is Oshiete? おしえて (from おしえる) […]

Is the Suntour XCM a good fork?

Is the Suntour XCM a good fork? 4.0 out of 5 stars Budget fork offering good quality, just don’t expect Rox Shocks and you’ll be satisfied. Great product at a budget price. I wasn’t expecting a top end fork at this price however I was pleasantly surprised with the quality and ride that this fork […]

How does compendium work Dota 2?

How does compendium work Dota 2? The International Compendium is a virtual booklet that contains dozens of ways to interact with the year’s biggest Dota 2 tournament. This year, you’ll earn even more rewards as you level up your Compendium by watching games, collecting player cards, making tournament predictions and more. How do you get […]

Why is Carcassonne important?

Why is Carcassonne important? Carcassonne became famous for its role in the Albigensian Crusades when the city was a stronghold of Occitan Cathars. Carcassonne became a border fortress between France and the Crown of Aragon under the 1258 Treaty of Corbeil. King Louis IX founded the new part of the town across the river. Why […]

Can the Galaxy S4 be rooted?

Can the Galaxy S4 be rooted? Rooting your Samsung Galaxy S4 will give you full administrative rights to your device, as well as the ability to install custom software. You can root your Galaxy S4 by enabling your phone’s developer’s menu and using Motochopper software to complete the rooting process. How do I root my […]

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