Is 110 alternating current?

Is 110 alternating current? The voltage and frequency of alternating current (AC) electricity used in homes varies from country to country throughout the world. Typically, either 110-volt AC (110V) or 220-volt AC (220V) is used. Most countries use 50Hz (50 Hertz or 50 cycles per second) as their AC frequency. Is a 110 outlet AC […]

Did Achilles die in the movie Troy?

Did Achilles die in the movie Troy? Achilles was killed by Paris and Apollo soon after Hector’s death. Achilles never entered Troy, but his son, Neoptolemus did. Paris himself died of an arrow wound inflicted by Philoctetes with the bow of Heracles. Are there any movies about Achilles? Troy (2004) Possibly the most told story […]

What is a unicode character for passwords?

What is a unicode character for passwords? Password Special Characters Character Name Unicode Space U+0020 ! Exclamation U+0021 ” Double quote U+0022 # Number sign (hash) U+0023 Can I use unicode in passwords? It is 2018 and Google’s Authentication API now supports unicode passwords. How many bytes is a unicode character? 4 bytes Unicode is […]

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