Cual es la doctrina marxista?

¿Cuál es la doctrina marxista? Marxismo. Dentro del área de la filosofía, la política y la economía, la figura de la doctrina marxista ha tenido gran impacto a nivel mundia l generando en muchas naciones movimientos políticos conocidos como socialistas o comunistas, los cuales han formado los bloques de izquierda en distintos continentes. ¿Qué es […]

What were contractors doing in Afghanistan?

What were contractors doing in Afghanistan? The Afghans had relied on contractors for everything from training and gear maintenance to preparing them for intelligence gathering and close air support in their battles against Taliban fighters. How many US contractors have been killed in Afghanistan? The U.S. Department of Labor confirmed that by March 31, 2021, […]

What rash can look like ringworm?

What rash can look like ringworm? Other rashes can look like ringworm, including spider bites, nummular eczema, and Lyme disease, a more serious infection that produces a bull’s-eye shaped rash. These require different treatments, so it’s important to consult a medical professional. What is this circle shaped rash? Ringworm of the body (tinea corporis) is […]

What is a universal Forcep?

What is a universal Forcep? Universal forceps have a beak that can be used in any quadrant of the mouth. Forceps designed for multi-rooted teeth have beaks with a point that is adapted to grip the tooth furcation. Forceps designed for single-rooted teeth usually have smooth beaks. What are 150 forceps used for? 150 universal […]

What is secondary cardiomyopathy?

What is secondary cardiomyopathy? Secondary cardiomyopathy describes conditions in which cardiac involvement occurs as part of a systemic condition. This classification system is imperfect, and there is often overlap.1. What can cause secondary cardiomyopathy? What Causes Secondary Cardiomyopathy? Infiltrative. amyloidosis. Gaucher disease. Storage. hemochromatosis. Fabry disease. Toxicity. drugs/ Alcohol. heavy metals. Inflammatory. sarcoidosis. Endocrine. diabetes […]

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