What does diagnostic code P0087 mean?

What does diagnostic code P0087 mean? fuel pressure When your vehicle’s Engine Control M (ECM) records a code of P0087, it means the fuel pressure in the system is below specification. Symptoms of a P0087 diagnostic trouble code may include a misfire because of a lean fuel condition, and the vehicle might run rough or […]

What is variometer sensor?

What is variometer sensor? The variometer is a telemetry sensor for sailplanes that indicates the rate of ascent and descent via an audible tone using select Spektrum™ transmitters*. This provides an indicator to the pilot when the sailplane is in a thermal of rising , or sinking air. What is vario telemetry data? Variometer data […]

What is evolutionism in social science?

What is evolutionism in social science? Evolutionism implied that humans progressed along one line of development, that this development was predetermined and inevitable, since it corresponded to definite laws, that some societies were more advanced in… What do you mean by evolutionism in anthropology? Evolutionism, as opposed to religious creationism, is based on scientific evidence. […]

Is a picnic ham fully cooked?

Is a picnic ham fully cooked? A picnic ham is technically fully cooked but because of its extra fat, it needs additional baking to achieve its full rich and meaty flavor and best texture. Bake covered in aluminum foil in a 325° F oven for 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size of the […]

What do they burn during acupuncture?

What do they burn during acupuncture? Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to promote healing with acupuncture. The purpose of moxibustion, as with most forms of traditional Chinese medicine, is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the flow of qi, and maintain general health. What […]

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