What does Intrasynovial mean?

What does Intrasynovial mean? Medical Definition of intrasynovial : situated or introduced within a synovial cavity or membrane. What does intra articularly mean? : situated within, occurring within, or administered by entering a joint. Other Words from intra-articular. intra-articularly adverb. What is synovial cavity? The synovial cavity/joint is filled with synovial fluid. The joint capsule […]

What did Jejomar Binay do?

What did Jejomar Binay do? Binay was known as the first city mayor of Makati, as the municipality became a highly-urbanized city on February 4, 1995. He joined pro-democracy forces in preventing the mutinies against the Aquino administration from being successful. What is the political party of Jejomar Binay? United Nationalist Alliance Jejomar Binay/Parties Is […]

What was Wari civilization known for?

What was Wari civilization known for? The Wari are particularly known for their textiles, which were well-preserved in desert burials. The standardization of textile motifs serves as artistic evidence of state control over elite art production in the Wari state. Where was the Wari culture located? Peru Huari, also spelled Wari, archaeological site located in […]

Which dogs make the best pets?

Which dogs make the best pets? Labrador Retriever. Voted the most popular dog of 2015,this breed is the most intelligent and loyal. Beagle. Beagles are liveliness and intelligence rolled up into small,adorable packages. German Shepherd. Boxer. Dachshund. Siberian Husky. Great Dane. Miniature Schnauzer. Shih Tzu. Miniature American Shepherd. What are the cutest puppies? Shar Pei. […]

What is protein domain analysis?

What is protein domain analysis? Protein domains are the basic units of proteins that can fold, function, and evolve independently. Knowledge of protein domains is critical for protein classification, understanding their biological functions, annotating their evolutionary mechanisms and protein design. What are some of the key differences between protein domains and sequence features? Sequence features […]

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