Can you direct debit from ING?

Can you direct debit from ING? A Direct Debit Request is an instruction you give ING to allow us to take money from your linked bank account to deposit into your ING account. Not all bank accounts allow funds to be withdrawn and deposited into another institution, so you should check to make sure that […]

How much does the F-5 cost?

How much does the F-5 cost? Northrop F-5 F-5A/B Freedom Fighter F-5E/F Tiger II Number built A/B/C: 847 E/F: 1,399 Unit cost F-5E: US$2.1 million Developed from Northrop T-38 Talon Variants Canadair CF-5 Shaped Sonic Boom Demonstration Is the F5 a good plane? The F-5 remains one of the most enduring supersonic fighters made, and […]

What led up to the Iranian revolution?

What led up to the Iranian revolution? Its causes continue to be the subject of historical debate and are believed to have stemmed partly from a conservative backlash opposing the westernization, modernization and secularization efforts of the Western-backed Shah, as well as from a more popular reaction to social injustice and other shortcomings of the […]

Where can I download VMware tools for Windows?

Where can I download VMware tools for Windows? All VMware Tools ISO images are available for download from VMware Tools for Windows: 32-bit and 64-bit installer executable (.exe) files are available for download. These files are provided for easier access and installation of VMware Tools in Windows guest operating systems. How do I install […]

Who is Nokia CEO?

Who is Nokia CEO? Pekka Lundmark (Aug 1, 2020–) Nokia/CEO What was the general attitude of Nokia leadership team? Nokia wants its leaders to have personal qualities such as speed, openness, integrity, humbleness, accountability, and responsibility. The Nokia way embraces teamwork and empowerment. Nokia believes that efficient processes produce business results. Who is the vice […]

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