What is JSP code?

What is JSP code? It stands for Java Server Pages. It is a server side technology. It is used for creating web application. It is used to create dynamic web content. In this JSP tags are used to insert JAVA code into HTML pages. What is ${} in JSP? When the JSP compiler sees the […]

Why is policing by consent important?

Why is policing by consent important? For almost 200 years, ‘policing by consent’ has been the central philosophy around which policing in Britain is organised. This means that the police base their legitimacy on having the confidence of the public, rather than imposing order through sheer force alone. What is the meaning of policing by […]

Is a tribunal a judicial body?

Is a tribunal a judicial body? Tribunals are judicial or quasi-judicial institutions established by law. Further, it noted that in certain technical cases, the traditional courts need expert knowledge for adjudication. What is judicial tribunal? Tribunals are specialist judicial bodies which decide disputes in a particular area of law. Most tribunal jurisdictions are part of […]

What is the 40 70 rule?

What is the 40 70 rule? Colin Powell (former secretary of state) has a 40/70 rule: Never make a decision with less than 40% of the information available, and don’t gather more than 70% of the information available. Anything less than 40% and you’re just guessing, anything more than 70% and you’re delaying. What did […]

How is cash flow defined?

How is cash flow defined? Cash flow refers to the net balance of cash moving into and out of a business at a specific point in time. Cash flow can be positive or negative. It’s the net cash generated to finance the company and may include debt, equity, and dividend payments. What is maximizing cash […]

What does the word vehemently?

What does the word vehemently? adverb. in a strongly emotional or zealous manner; ardently: Critics vehemently oppose the continued surveillance of citizens’ electronic devices without court oversight. What is vehemently in a sentence? Vehemently Sentence Examples Still, it wasn’t the first time they had vehemently disagreed on something. While he now had the ability to […]

What is algal toxin microcystin?

What is algal toxin microcystin? Microcystins—or cyanoginosins—are a class of toxins produced by certain freshwater cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae. Cyanobacteria can produce microcystins in large quantities during algal blooms which then pose a major threat to drinking and irrigation water supplies, and the environment at large. What causes microcystin? Because cyanobacteria thrive on […]

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