Can a person be allergic to stitches?

Can a person be allergic to stitches? An allergic reaction to suture material is a rare complication. Hypersensitivity to chromic catgut suture is the most commonly reported reaction ; however, allergies to silk and nylon sutures have also been reported. Patients suspected of suture allergy should be patch tested to guide future treatment. How do […]

What is Longshore Drift diagram?

What is Longshore Drift diagram? The transport of sand and pebbles along the coast is called longshore drift. The general direction of longshore drift is decided by the prevailing wind. In the diagram below the prevailing wind is approaching from the south-west. Therefore longshore drift is moving material from the west to the east. What […]

Does inflammatory breast cancer show on MRI?

Does inflammatory breast cancer show on MRI? Breast MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, is considered the most reliable test for gathering more information about inflammatory breast cancer. Once IBC is diagnosed, additional tests are used to determine whether the cancer has spread outside the breast to other organs, such as the lungs, bones, or liver. […]

What is a start and park driver?

What is a start and park driver? Start and park is a term used in auto racing, particularly in NASCAR-sanctioned races, to describe the practice of racing teams starting races but pulling the car off the track after just a few laps in order to collect prize money while avoiding expenses such as replacement tires, […]

What does mamey sapote taste like?

What does mamey sapote taste like? Mamey sapote: An oddity rarely seen, we snatched up this ripe-when-soft Central American tree fruit at first sight. It’s about the size of a coconut with brown skin as rough as sandpaper – and what a surprise inside: elegant, creamy pink flesh that feels and tastes like pumpkin pie. […]

Can I replace shingles myself?

Can I replace shingles myself? The truth is, anyone can replace their own roof, with the help of the many DIY websites. For residential houses, roof replacements typically take two days – the first day to remove the old roof, and the second day is to install the new one. How much does it cost […]

What is a Cybersecurity alert?

What is a Cybersecurity alert? A brief, usually human-readable, technical notification regarding current vulnerabilities, exploits, and other security issues. Also known as an advisory, bulletin, or vulnerability note. What are examples of malicious cyber activity? 10 Most Common Types of Cyber Threats Malware. “Man in the Middle” (MitM) attack. Trojans. Ransomware. Denial of Service attack […]

What is the action of the inferior oblique muscle?

What is the action of the inferior oblique muscle? The inferior oblique muscle externally rotates, elevates, and abducts the eye. What controls inferior oblique? The inferior oblique is innervated by the inferior division of the oculomotor nerve, which enters the muscle on its upper surface. Table 10-3 lists the motor innervation of the extraocular muscles. […]

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