In which Province is West Lunga National Park?

In which Province is West Lunga National Park? Northern Province Established in 1940 and situated in the Northern Province is one of Zambia’s least visited, yet most pristine parks. West Lunga National Park is nestled between the Kabompo River and the West Lunga River. The park covers 1 700 square kilometres of untouched forests, dambos, […]

What do you call a medical business?

What do you call a medical business? The healthcare industry (also called the medical industry or health economy) is an aggregation and integration of sectors within the economic system that provides goods and services to treat patients with curative, preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative care. What PHC means? primary health care This is the fundamental premise […]

Can Ayurveda cure artery blockage?

Can Ayurveda cure artery blockage? However, Ayurveda for heart blockages is effective as it helps to reduce arterial blockages and improve cardiovascular health without the risk of any side effects. This ancient form of medicine can be used to treat heart blockages, heart disease, and diabetes by restoring balance within the various systems of the […]

What is a documentary story?

What is a documentary story? It is a genre of movie making that uses video & film scenes, photographs and/or sound of real people and real events which when edited together creates a particular story, viewpoint, message or experience. What is the main message of the documentary home? HOME is a documentary raising awareness for […]

Does Canada have a chamber of commerce?

Does Canada have a chamber of commerce? With a network of over 450 chambers of commerce representing 200,000 businesses, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce is Canada’s largest and most influential business association. The Canadian Chamber is the primary and vital connection between business and the federal government. How many chambers of commerce are there in […]

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