Wat is een betalingsherinnering?

Wat is een betalingsherinnering? Een betalingsherinnering is niet hetzelfde als een aanmaning. Een betalingsherinnering wordt verstuurd vóórdat een aanmaning wordt verstuurd. Een aanmaning is strenger van toon dan een herinnering. In een aanmaning wordt de debiteur een laatste mogelijkheid geboden om te betalen voordat de vordering uit handen wordt gegeven. Is betalingsherinnering juridisch mogelijk? Daarom […]

Can you ride in Thetford Forest?

Can you ride in Thetford Forest? The only places in Thetford Forest where off road riding is permitted is at authorised tracks such as Hit the Dirt at Swaffham. If you are trail riding – you must be road legal and you must not deviate from authorised green lane routes. Can you take horses to […]

What does proximity mean in art?

What does proximity mean in art? Proximity # The gestalt principle of proximity says that elements that are closer together are perceived to be more related than elements that are farther apart. As with similarity, proximity helps us organize objects by their relatedness to other objects. Why do we use proximity in design? Typically in […]

Can the US hire mercenaries?

Can the US hire mercenaries? No U.S. law currently restricts or prohibits U.S. persons from serving in a foreign mercenary force. Only the U.S. government is restricted from hiring mercenaries under what is known as the Anti-Pinkerton Act of 1893. Can you hire mercenaries as bodyguards? Yes, a civilian can hire mercenaries. Whether or not […]

How quickly can you develop heart failure?

How quickly can you develop heart failure? Symptoms can develop quickly (acute heart failure) or gradually over weeks or months (chronic heart failure). What are the major risk factors for the development of congestive heart failure? Conclusions Male sex, less education, physical inactivity, cigarette smoking, overweight, diabetes, hypertension, valvular heart disease, and coronary heart disease […]

What is the most earliest signs of pregnancy?

What is the most earliest signs of pregnancy? The most common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy might include: Missed period. If you’re in your childbearing years and a week or more has passed without the start of an expected menstrual cycle, you might be pregnant. Tender, swollen breasts. Nausea with or without vomiting. Increased […]

How does DigiDoc work?

How does DigiDoc work? When signing, software sends content hash using standardised PKCS 11 interface to the user’s id-card. After verifying the user’s PIN, id-card signs the hash internally and returns a signature which is then stored into DigiDoc container. What is DigiDoc4? Description. DigiDoc4 Client is a program that can be used to sign […]

Is Cefuroxime a sulfa drug?

Is Cefuroxime a sulfa drug? Cefuroxime does not contain a sulphonamide group (a molecular structure containing sulfur). People with a “sulfa allergy” are allergic to sulphonamides so cefuroxime should not cause any problems. What is cefuroxime axetil used to treat? Cefuroxime axetil, which is often used to treat infections of the throat, sinuses, bronchi, and […]

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