What is a web tile layer?

What is a web tile layer? A tile layer draws a set of web-accessible tiles that reside on a server. Instead, it retrieves the tiles for the appropriate map scale that have been precomputed and stored on the server. Only the images needed for display at the appropriate screen resolution are retrieved. What are the […]

How does shunt reactor work?

How does shunt reactor work? The shunt reactor working principle is, in an energy system, a shunt reactor works like an absorber for reactive power, so it increases the efficiency of the energy system. It is a compact device used to compensate for reactive power in high voltage transmission lines as well as in cable […]

What does 1.85 1 aspect ratio look like?

What does 1.85 1 aspect ratio look like? One of the two standard aspect ratios in modern cinema, 1.85:1 is regarded as the normal widescreen format and is actually quite similar in size to 16:9. Though this ratio is most common for feature films, many TV shows striving for a cinematic look also shoot in […]

What is Sharia district court?

What is Sharia district court? A Shari’a District Court is of limited jurisdiction. It was created under Presidential Decree No. 1083. Cases falling within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Shari’a District Courts primarily pertain to family rights and duties as well as contractual relations of Filipino Muslims in the Mindanao. What do sharia councils do? […]

What is the short definition of adjective?

What is the short definition of adjective? : a word that says something about a noun or pronoun In the phrases “good people,” “someone good,” “it’s good to be here,” and “they seem very good” the word “good” is an adjective. More from Merriam-Webster on adjective. What is an adjective and examples? Adjectives are words […]

What are some examples of computer viruses?

What are some examples of computer viruses? Some examples of widespread computer viruses include: Morris Worm. Nimda. ILOVEYOU. SQL Slammer. Stuxnet. CryptoLocker. Conficker. Tinba. What is Computer Virus explain with example? Definition: A computer virus is a malicious software program loaded onto a user’s computer without the user’s knowledge and performs malicious actions. Description: The […]

Why is my faucet water soapy?

Why is my faucet water soapy? If tap water collected from a particular sink or faucet has unusual smells, the problem is most likely in the fixtures or pipes supplying that particular faucet. Soapy Odors – A soapy, detergent-like smell or consistency in your water often means septic tank leakage has found its way into […]

When should I change my brake fluid?

When should I change my brake fluid? A good rule to follow is to have your mechanic check your brakes and brake fluid during every oil change. They’ll be able to give you the best feedback on how your brakes are working and if they need new fluid. Most drivers find they need to change […]

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