How K-Anonymity can help prevent privacy attack?

How K-Anonymity can help prevent privacy attack? How Can k-Anonymity Help Prevent a Privacy Attack? k-Anonymity protects against hackers or malicious parties using ‘re-identification,’ or the practice of tracing data’s origins back to the individual it is connected to in the real world. For a given person, identifying data (name, zip code, gender, etc.) Is […]

What work do Electronics and Communication engineers do?

What work do Electronics and Communication engineers do? Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing, and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. Electronics and Communications engineers also conceptualize and oversee the manufacturing of communications and broadcast systems. What jobs do communication engineers do? Communications engineers are responsible for the research, design, […]

Is a comfort letter legally binding?

Is a comfort letter legally binding? Comfort letters are generally issued by a parent or holding company giving ‘comfort’ to a lender about their support for a subsidiary in the context of a finance transaction. Comfort letters do not create rights over assets and, in most cases, they will not even be legally binding. How […]

What is intransitive object?

What is intransitive object? An intransitive verb is the opposite of a transitive verb: it does not require an object to act upon. What is transitive and intransitive object? When a verb is transitive it means it has an object. For example, Throw a ball. When a verb is intransitive, it doesn’t need an object. […]

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