What is Cantoring?

What is Cantoring? A cantor or chanter is a person who leads people in singing or sometimes in prayer. In formal Christian worship, a cantor is a person who sings solo verses or passages to which the choir or congregation responds. What is the difference between cantor and chorus? In Catholicism, the cantor is called […]

Are dolphins used for medicine?

Are dolphins used for medicine? When medical researchers use animal models to understand human illness, they usually turn to mice or monkeys. But now researchers are discovering that dolphins may provide insight into a range of human diseases, from cervical cancer and the effect of toxins to Type II diabetes. Is a dolphin a person […]

Is Pima West Campus open?

Is Pima West Campus open? West Campus Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. What GPA does Pima Community College require? Incoming freshmen, with less than 12 college credits, must have maintained a GPA of at least 3.5 at an accredited high school, and scored 90 or higher […]

Can you raise sage-grouse?

Can you raise sage-grouse? There’s a reason grouse raising isn’t part of the current strategy, conservationists say. “Sage grouse farming was never considered as part of the federal sage grouse plans because it has been completely discredited in the science,” says Erik Molvar, executive director of Western Watersheds Project. Where can I find sage-grouse? A […]

Does CAT6 need to be in conduit?

Does CAT6 need to be in conduit? To answer the question directly: No. You can get Cat6 rated for outdoor and burial use which doesn’t require conduit. Can you use outdoor Cat6 indoors? Never, however, use indoor cat6 cable outdoors. Although the PVC jacket commonly used for indoor cables provides flexibility, it becomes brittle when […]

How big should my TV be chart?

How big should my TV be chart? Bigger and closer is usually better when it comes to choosing the perfect television for your room….Field of View. Screen Size Recommended Mixed Usage Distance (30°) Recommended Cinema Distance (40°) 55″ 7.5′ (2.28 m) 5.5′ (1.68 m) 60″ 8.2′ (2.48 m) 6′ (1.83 m) 65″ 8.9′ (2.69 m) […]

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