What does MLVA stand for?

What does MLVA stand for? MLVA, an abbrevation for multiple locus variable number of tandem repeats analysis, is another technique used by microbiologists to generate a DNA fingerprint or a bacterial isolate. What is MLVA typing? Multi Locus VNTR Analysis (MLVA) is a molecular typing method to subtype microbial isolates based upon the Variable copy […]

Are Soundcraft mixers good?

Are Soundcraft mixers good? I’ve found that the Soundcraft is excellent. If you are looking for a high end mixer (24-48 channels), you can’t go wrong with Soundcraft either – you’ll love it. I don’t like much of anything about the Behringer/Mackie mixers – cheap sounding components. Go with Soundcraft. Who makes Soundcraft mixers? Harman […]

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