How does Auger electron spectroscopy work?

How does Auger electron spectroscopy work? In Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), we bombard a sample surface with a focused beam of high-energy (2- to 10-kV) electrons. The incident electrons lose energy to the sample atoms, generating Auger electrons that have discrete kinetic energies characteristic of the emitting atoms. How are Auger electrons generated? So-called Auger […]

Is oapec and OPEC same?

Is oapec and OPEC same? What is the difference between OPEC and OAPEC? Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) From the list of current OAPEC members 6 are members of OPEC: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Libya, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, and Algeria . Which three countries are the founder members of Organization of Arab Petroleum […]

Why do people wear chains on their wallet?

Why do people wear chains on their wallet? A few years down the road, wallet chains would soon become popularized by the early pioneers of ’70s punk, who not only incorporated them into their way of dress as a means to prevent pickpocketing along with securing their stash while flailing about in mosh pits, but […]

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