Where are the receptors for NGF located?

Where are the receptors for NGF located? retina NGF has two receptors named high affinity NGF tyrosine kinase receptor TrkA and low affinity receptor p75NTR. Both receptors exist in cells in retina like RGC (expressing TrkA) and glia cells (expressing p75NTR). NGF functions by binding to TrkA or p75NTR alone or both together. How does […]

What are the layers of a tech stack?

What are the layers of a tech stack? Sometimes called a “solutions stack,” a tech stack typically consists of programming languages, frameworks, a database, front-end tools, back-end tools, and applications connected via APIs. What framework does Weebly use? Weebly was written in PHP and JavaScript. What is technology stacking? The technology stack is a combination […]

Was Gerard Moerdijk a Freemason?

Was Gerard Moerdijk a Freemason? He was a South African Freemason. The Central “Volks” (People’s) Monuments Committee started a “Structure Committee” which approached the public in 1936 for suggestions about the contents and form of a monument. Who designed the Voortrekker Monument? Gerard Moerdijk Voortrekker Monument/Architects The Voortrekker Monument, located in the Pretoria region of […]

Why is Boc a good protecting group?

Why is Boc a good protecting group? The Boc group is stable towards most nucleophiles and bases. Therefore, an orthogonal protection strategy using a base-labile protection group such as Fmoc is possible. Scavengers such as thiophenol may prevent nucleophilic substrates from being alkylated. How do you remove acetyl protecting group? Acetyl (Ac) group is common […]

Who can grant an imprimatur?

Who can grant an imprimatur? imprimatur, (Latin: “let it be printed”), in the Roman Catholic church, a permission, required by contemporary canon law and granted by a bishop, for the publication of any work on Scripture or, in general, any writing containing something of peculiar significance to religion, theology, or morality. How do you get […]

What mount does Blackmagic use?

What mount does Blackmagic use? EF lens mount The Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 6K models feature an active EF lens mount that works with a massive number of high quality photographic and video lenses from Sigma, Zeiss, Canon and others. You can use extreme zoom lenses, high speed lenses and lenses with image stabilization. What […]

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