Does EasyBCD work with Windows 7?

Does EasyBCD work with Windows 7? EasyBCD extends and revamps the Windows BCD bootloader. Setting up and configuring a dual-boot between Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, older versions of Windows such as XP & 2003, Linux, Ubuntu, BSD, and macOS is a breeze. EasyBCD is geared for users of all kinds. What […]

What happened to surfing magazine?

What happened to surfing magazine? In January 2017, the magazine’s owners, TEN: The Enthusiast Network, announced that Surfing Magazine would cease its print edition and its digital assets would be folded into fellow TEN title and longtime competitor Surfer. The last issue of the magazine appeared in January 2017. Is Surfer magazine Going Out of […]

What is the duty of civic volunteer?

What is the duty of civic volunteer? Duties: They will assist Police in respective units for traffic management. They will assist police in major festivals. They will assist police regarding unauthorized parking vehicles. What is West Bengal civic police? Civic police or green police or student police are made up of civic volunteers who are […]

What is treatment for river blindness?

What is treatment for river blindness? What is the treatment for onchocerciasis? Treatment is done by giving the patient ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug once or twice per year for about 10-15 years (the life span of adult worms). This antiparasite drug is effective in killing the microfilariae but does not kill the adult worms. Does […]

What is an Em7 chord?

What is an Em7 chord? E minor 7 (Em7) is a beautiful chord composed of the notes E, G, B, and D. The combination of the minor key (G is the flat 3rd of the major scale) and the 7th interval (D) give it a rich, interesting sound. What is a Dm7 chord in piano? […]

How does TSplus Work?

How does TSplus Work? Using TSplus, Android devices can be used to remotely access a workstation or a server from any Wi-Fi or Internet spot. TSplus HTML5 Web Access Client is providing browser access to applications and desktops, running on any TSplus system. TSplus also offers any Android phones and Android tablets RDP client support. […]

What does partially subsidized mean?

What does partially subsidized mean? From Longman Business Dictionarysub‧si‧dize /ˈsʌbsədaɪz/ (also subsidise British English) verb [transitive] if a government or organization subsidizes a company, activity etc, it pays part of the costThe railroad company is partially subsidized by the federal government. What does it mean when someone is subsidized? To subsidize something is to support […]

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