How do you follow up on the phone conversation?

How do you follow up on the phone conversation? Here are some tried-and-true techniques to improve your follow-up calls and have more effective phone conversations. Schedule your calls. Be prepared. Ask questions that get answers. Keep the conversation balanced. Ask follow-up questions. Clarify answers by repeating them back to the client in your own words. […]

What is Loch Etive steelhead?

What is Loch Etive steelhead? Loch Etive Steelhead is high in Omega-3 oils. It has a similar appearance and texture to its close relative King Salmon, with a milder flavor profile. This sashimi grade fish is ideally suited for cooked applications as well as crudo, carpaccio, tartare, and sushi. What is Loch Etive trout? Loch […]

How do you make a sturdy tote bag?

How do you make a sturdy tote bag? Here are a few tips to help you sew a strong bag for your next project Choose strong hardware. Use heavy-duty fabrics. Consider coated fabrics. For extra sturdy bags, use leather or vinyl. Pick a heavy interfacing. Use a thick thread. Reinforce your stitching and seams. Sew […]

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