Can I go to Jasper during Covid?

Can I go to Jasper during Covid? Mandatory public health measures are in place in communities across Alberta, including the Municipality of Jasper, to protect the health system and slow the spread of COVID-19. Visitors are required to wear a face mask or face covering when visiting any indoor public facilities in Jasper National Park. […]

Are the Confederate troops taken prisoner?

Are the Confederate troops taken prisoner? Some tried to escape but few succeeded. By contrast 464,000 Confederates were captured (many in the final days) and 215,000 imprisoned. Over 30,000 Union and nearly 26,000 Confederate prisoners died in captivity. Just over 12% of the captives in Northern prisons died, compared to 15.5% for Southern prisons. Who […]

What is AGX hearing technology?

What is AGX hearing technology? AGX hearing aids are Audigy branded hearing aids. AGX Hearing technology is no different from other hearing technology other than it is “locked”. AGX hearing aids are mainly private-labeled Starkey and Oticon brand hearing aids. There are only four Audigy Certified hearing practices in the greater Phoenix area. Which is […]

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