When was the last PISA test?

When was the last PISA test? 2018 Data collection for the most recent assessment was completed in Fall 2018. PISA 2018 assessed students’ science, reading, and mathematics literacy in about 80 countries and education systems. Reading was the focal subject of the 2018 data collection, as it was in 2009. What are PISA style questions? […]

What should I expect after CVS?

What should I expect after CVS? What should I expect after CVS? You may have some mild cramping similar to menstrual cramps. Cramping usually lasts for a few hours, and not usually longer than 24 hours. You may also expect some spotting or brown discharge for up to a week following the procedure. How long […]

Can you drive up Prospect Hill?

Can you drive up Prospect Hill? Motor vehicle access from April to October. The speed limit is 10 miles per hour. Motor vehicles are restricted to paved roadways and designated parking areas. How tall is Prospect Hill in Waltham? 485 feet There are two different summits; Big Prospect, at 485 feet (148 m), and Little […]

Is multiboxing allowed in EQ2?

Is multiboxing allowed in EQ2? You are allowed to multi-box in EQ2, as long as you are not simulating button presses across multiple clients at once. Nothing stopping you having 6 accounts, 6 keyboards/mice/screens etc. Lots of people already do it, by making things as simple as possible with macroed abilities (IE all heals on […]

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