How much do lop eared rabbits cost?

How much do lop eared rabbits cost? Lops can be purchased from private breeders, pet stores, county fairs, and 4-H clubs, or adopted from a rabbit rescue organization. Pet store, county fair, and 4-H rabbits are typically inexpensive, averaging about $20. Private breeders charge about $40, but show-quality rabbits may sell for much more. Do […]

What is special about 29th March?

What is special about 29th March? Piano Day – March 29, 2022 (88th Day of the Year) Smoke and Mirrors Day. Texas Loves the Children Day. Vietnam Veterans Day or Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. What National Day is March 29? NATIONAL VIETNAM WAR VETERANS DAY HISTORY President Donald Trump signed the National Vietnam War […]

What did Queen Nzinga accomplish?

What did Queen Nzinga accomplish? One of the great women rulers of Africa, Queen Anna Nzinga (circa 1581-1663) of Angola fought against the slave trade and European influence in the seventeenth century. Known for being an astute diplomat and visionary military leader, she resisted Portuguese invasion and slave raids for 30 years. What was Queen […]

How is childhood lymphoma treated?

How is childhood lymphoma treated? Treatment for lymphoma usually involves chemotherapy or radiotherapy and surgery. Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation can be used when the lymphoma has come back (relapsed) or is at high risk of relapse, and where it doesn’t respond well to standard (conventional) treatment. Can a child have lymphoma without symptoms? Not […]

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