What does a geographic tongue look like?

What does a geographic tongue look like? The tongue is normally covered with tiny, pinkish-white bumps (papillae), which are actually short, fine, hairlike projections. With geographic tongue, patches on the surface of the tongue are missing papillae and appear as smooth, red “islands,” often with slightly raised borders. What diseases cause geographic tongue? In addition […]

Que es el esfuerzo?

¿Qué es el esfuerzo? El esfuerzo es la relación entre la fuerza aplicada y el área de la sección transversal donde está actuando la fuerza aplicada. Una fuerza de 20000 N está actuando en la dirección de una columna universal británica UB 152 x 89 x 16 con un área de sección transversal de 20,3 […]

Why do they call it a codpiece?

Why do they call it a codpiece? The codpiece is buttoned, or tied with strings, to a man’s breeches. It takes its name from the word ‘cod’, middle English for both ‘bag’ and ‘scrotum’, and arose because medieval men wore hose – essentially, very long socks – beneath their doublets, and nothing else in the […]

Is debate an active learning strategy?

Is debate an active learning strategy? Debate as an active instructional strategy enhances learning particularly in the areas of mastering the content as well as developing critical thinking skills, oral communication skills, and empathy. The students can apply these skills in many different situations. Why is debate a good learning tool? Debates allow students to […]

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