Does vulture have a brother?

Does vulture have a brother? Overshadowed by big names such as Green Goblin, Venom and Doctor Octopus, Adrian ‘Vulture’ Toomes predates them all in the comic books.As a primer for the new movie, here’s the Marvel Fact File on the web-slinger’s winged nemesis… Adrian Toomes was an orphan, raised by his elder brother Marcus. Why […]

Can Plantar fasciitis go away on its own?

Can Plantar fasciitis go away on its own? Plantar fasciitis usually resolves within 6–18 months without medical treatment. However, for some people, plantar fasciitis becomes a chronic condition. Symptoms may improve and then appear again, or the pain may remain consistent for a year or longer. Why do my heels hurt when I stand? Heel […]

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