Is delivery painless with epidural?

Is delivery painless with epidural? Benefits. The greatest benefit of an epidural is the potential for a painless delivery. While you may still feel contractions, the pain is decreased significantly. During a vaginal delivery, you’re still aware of the birth and can move around. Does epidural cause dilation? Labor is typically divided into two stages […]

Why remove airbox?

Why remove airbox? Airbox removal is supposed to help add some power to the bike, and also makes it louder for ppl who like a brutish sounding machine. What is an airbox on a motorcycle? An airbox is an empty chamber on the inlet of most combustion engines. It collects air from outside and feeds […]

What does the code of omerta say?

What does the code of omerta say? A more popular and more simplified definition of the code of omertà is: “Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward. Whoever cannot take care of himself without police protection is both. What is the code of silence called? A […]

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