What is the difference between biblical inerrancy and infallibility?

What is the difference between biblical inerrancy and infallibility? There is a widespread confusion among Evangelical and Christian fundamentalist circles that biblical infallibility means that the Bible cannot contain errors while inerrancy implies that the Bible contains no errors. However, the concept of infallibility has no relation to errors, but the impossibility of failure. What […]

What does aggrandizement mean?

What does aggrandizement mean? Aggrandizement refers to the act of making something larger or greater. It specifically refers to inflating something or making someone appear more important or powerful than they really are. What is a synonym for self aggrandizement? arrogance. narcissism. self-absorption. selfishness. How do you use aggrandizement in a sentence? Aggrandizement sentence example […]

Can you make logo bigger?

Can you make logo bigger? “Make the logo as big as you can. A bigger logo won’t fix a small brand. It won’t make a brand more remarkable. There is no direct correlation between the size of a logo and the effectiveness of an ad. Why you shouldn’t make the logo bigger? Bigger isn’t better […]

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