What are current biomedical issues?

What are current biomedical issues? Top 10 Biomedical Issues of the Next Decade GMOs save crops struggling with climate change and beset by plant pests that find climate change advantageous. IVF clinics do vast bulk of their business making healthier babies for the fertile. What are some challenges in biomedical research? Inaccurate/Inadequate Statistical Data. Accurate/adequate […]

Who is the IAS topper of 2009?

Who is the IAS topper of 2009? Bureaucrat career Before cracking Civil Service exam, Faesal was the gold medalist at Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS), Srinagar, where he studied medicine. In 2009, he became the first Kashmiri to get first place in the UPSC civil services exam, which he also cleared on his first […]

What happened in Scene 1 of Antigone?

What happened in Scene 1 of Antigone? Scene One: Antigone tries to convince her sister Ismene to join her in burying their brother Polynices. Ismene refuses, because their uncle Creon has decreed that anyone who does will pay the penalty of death. Ismene joins them and tries to take Antigone’s side, but Antigone refuses to […]

Is P-body from Portal 2 a girl?

Is P-body from Portal 2 a girl? Gender-wise, the robots have their own genders, as stated by Chet Faliszek in an interview (ATLAS as male, P-body as female). Each robot’s portal gun produces two distinct colors of portal (ATLAS’ are blue (primary) and violet (secondary); P-body’s are yellow (primary) and red (secondary)). What is Atlas […]

Is soy lecithin a phytosterol?

Is soy lecithin a phytosterol? Soybean-derived commercial lecithin containing 3% glycosylated phytosterols was used as a starting material. Is lecithin a plant sterol? Both plant sterols and lecithin are used as dietary supplements for lowering blood cholesterol in Western countries. Are phytosterols the same as plant sterols? Phytosterols, also known as plant sterols, are a […]

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