Do all honey locusts have thorns?

Do all honey locusts have thorns? The native species of honey-locust has large thorns on its stems and bark. For this reason, thornless honey-locust is most commonly sold. Does Gleditsia sunburst have thorns? Description: A very vigorous, large, spreading thornless tree, small white flowers in spring and beautiful lacey foliage. Leaves open golden yellow and […]

Does SusieCakes ship nationwide?

Does SusieCakes ship nationwide? DO YOU SHIP? We currently do not offer nationwide shipping. Is SusieCakes a franchise? All stores are company owned and operated and we do not intend to franchise, but will continue to maintain full operational control to assure all standards are upheld. Is SusieCakes a chain? The West Coast chain has […]

Can I visit Oymyakon?

Can I visit Oymyakon? Oymyakon Winter Tour. In winter 2020-2021, we offer an all- inclusive and customized tour to Oymyakon, Russia’s Siberia. It’s the world’s coldest inhabited place located in the Eastern part of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). Experience Russian holidays in soft adventure tour through the cold Siberian weather. Which is colder Yakutsk or […]

What are the names of Salad Fingers puppets?

What are the names of Salad Fingers puppets? Salad Fingers has a get-together with his “friends”—finger puppets—whom Salad Fingers introduces as Hubert Cumberdale, Marjory Stewart-Baxter and Jeremy Fisher. He appears to believe that his “friends” are real. What is the meaning behind Salad Fingers? Salad Fingers is believed to suffer from dissociative identity disorder, and […]

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