Does Ohio have consumer protection laws?

Does Ohio have consumer protection laws? The cornerstone of Ohio consumer law is the Consumer Sales Practices Act (CSPA), which protects individual consumers from unfair, deceptive, and unconscionable sales practices in connection with consumer transactions. How do I know if I owe the Ohio attorney general? NOTE: For information on paying a tax debt or […]

Why are my tomato seedlings not growing?

Why are my tomato seedlings not growing? The most common reasons tomato seedlings don’t grow are: too little or too much water, temperature that’s too hot (above 100 degrees F) or too cold (below 40 degrees F), or nutrient deficiency. The easiest remedies are: adequate water, fertilizer, and temperature between 70 – 85 degrees F. […]

What is a breakpoint discount?

What is a breakpoint discount? Breakpoint discounts are volume discounts to the front-end sales load charged to investors who purchase Class A mutual fund shares. The extent of the discount depends on the amount invested in a particular family of funds. What does breakpoint fee mean? A breakpoint is the dollar amount for the purchase […]

Is Eucalyptus a hardwood or softwood?

Is Eucalyptus a hardwood or softwood? Eucalyptus is durable, strong and sustainable. It is classified as a hardwood and can be used as structural support beams for buildings and many other outdoor structures. Eucalyptus timber is a long-lasting choice for an outdoor structure; especially, if you want to protect the environment. Which is the best […]

Do Vauxhall pleasure gardens still exist?

Do Vauxhall pleasure gardens still exist? Present day. Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens today is an inner-city park. After its closure in the 19th century the land was developed but by the 1970s slum clearance reopened part of the site. The park opened in 1976 and was originally called Spring Gardens, but was re-named Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens […]

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