What is Christian dress code?

What is Christian dress code? Many modern Christians reject this practice and instead encourage modest, respectful dress not only for Sunday worship, but in everyday life. Some Christian holy days incorporate traditional clothing, such as the Easter bonnet. In recent decades, some churches have encouraged a more informal dress code. Do schools have dress codes? […]

What are the results of endoscopy?

What are the results of endoscopy? Endoscopy can also help identify inflammation, ulcers, and tumors. Upper endoscopy is more accurate than X-rays for detecting abnormal growths such as cancer and for examining the inside of the upper digestive system. In addition, abnormalities can be treated through the endoscope. What diseases can be detected by an […]

Is scorpion the same as OCP?

Is scorpion the same as OCP? The new version, known as Scorpion W2, looks virtually the same as MultiCam or OCP, according to an Army source with knowledge of the program. This may work to the Army’s advantage since the service has spent nearly $3 billion on uniforms and equipment patterned in OCP for Afghanistan, […]

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