What is the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway?

What is the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway? All known gibberellins are diterpenoid acids that are synthesized by the terpenoid pathway in plastids and then modified in the endoplasmic reticulum and cytosol until they reach their biologically-active form. All gibberellins are derived via the ent-gibberellane skeleton, but are synthesised via ent-kaurene. Which is the precursor of gibberellin […]

Do things yourself quote?

Do things yourself quote? Do It Yourself Quotes It takes half your life before you discover life is a do-it-yourself project. You can’t just sit there and wait for people to give you that golden dream. Begin where you are. If you want a thing done well, do it yourself. If you can dream it, […]

How do you explain pragmatism?

How do you explain pragmatism? Pragmatism is a way of dealing with problems or situations that focuses on practical approaches and solutions—ones that will work in practice, as opposed to being ideal in theory. The word pragmatism is often contrasted with the word idealism, which means based on or having high principles or ideals. What […]

What is Dwadash nidan?

What is Dwadash nidan? Through the 12-linked chain for the cause of the existence of suffering called Dwadash Nidan, Janam-maran chakra, Samsara-chakra, Dharma-chakra, or Bhava-chakra, the Buddha shows that the root cause of pain and suffering is desire and ignorance. What is Nairatmyavada? As far as Anatmyavada is concerned then Lord Buddha delivered the non-permanency […]

What is Newroz in Kurdistan Region?

What is Newroz in Kurdistan Region? AKRE, Kurdistan Region — In what’s commonly referred to as Kurdistan’s capital of Newroz. is a traditional celebration in Kurdish culture. It is the first day of spring and the first day of the new year according to the Gregorian calander. The celebration of Newroz has its local peculiarities […]

How long is an emergency visa good for?

How long is an emergency visa good for? No more than a year at first, usually six months. You can apply for extensions of stay in six-month increments if your reasons are consistent with the terms and conditions of your original status. Who are eligible for emergency US visa? You may qualify for an emergency […]

Did JJ cheat on Seana?

Did JJ cheat on Seana? On 22 October 2014, Seana stated the reason for her and JJ’s breakup in a video entitled “Q&A – Twerk”. She said the reason was that JJ was too busy with YouTube and had a lot of things going on in his life. Why does KSI hide his GF? During […]

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