What are nickel sulphide deposits?

What are nickel sulphide deposits? Magmatic nickel sulfide deposits form when magmas derived from the Earth’s mantle ascend into the crust, in some cases reaching the Earth’s surface, and crystallise into iron-magnesium-nickel-rich mafic and ultramafic rocks containing concentrations of Ni-rich sulfide minerals. What is a sulphide deposit? Volcanogenic massive sulfide ore deposits, also known as […]

Is the fundamental group a functor?

Is the fundamental group a functor? Assigning the fundamental group to a topological space is definitely a functor. But you have to keep in mind that a fundamental group is always taken with respect to a base point, and hence the functor assigns a pair (X,x0) consisting of a topological space X and a point […]

What is p41 flagellin?

What is p41 flagellin? The p41 flagellin of Borrelia burgdorferi is the most common antigen recognized by serum of patients with Lyme borreliosis. This antigen shares amino acid homology, particularly in the amino and carboxy termini, with periflagellar antigens found in other microorganisms including Treponema pallidum. Is band 41 Lyme specific? What is the significance […]

Is the Lectric XP any good?

Is the Lectric XP any good? Expert Reviews The Lectric XP 2.0 features numerous improvements that make it even better than the original. It may have the same frame and motor, but the addition of a suspension fork, wider handlebar, and narrower 3-inch wide tires have improved its handling and overall ride quality. How much […]

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