Do Navy SEALs use Luminox watches?

Do Navy SEALs use Luminox watches? After completing extensive market research, it is apparent that Luminox and G-shock are the most popular companies in the market. Together, the two companies hold a huge share of the tactical watch industry. At the end of the day, Navy SEALs choose their own watch based on personal preferences. […]

What rocks are in Virginia?

What rocks are in Virginia? The most commonly found and collected rocks and minerals in Virginia are: Amethyst. Quartz. Staurolite. Agate. Epidote. Unakite. Amazonite. Kyanite. What are the 3 most common rocks in Virginia? Most rocks are grouped into three rock types: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic; all three are found in Virginia. Where is sedimentary […]

Who is the leader of the Seven Samurai?

Who is the leader of the Seven Samurai? Kambei Shimada Kambei Shimada (Takashi Shimura): The first samurai recruited and leader of the seven samurai, Kambei exemplifies samurai integrity and selflessness. What do the Seven Samurai represent? Kurosawa was considered the most Western of great Japanese directors (too Western, some of his Japanese critics sniffed). “The […]

Is Vitamin B7 safe?

Is Vitamin B7 safe? Biotin, or vitamin B7, is needed to metabolize fats, carbohydrates, and protein. Deficiency can lead to hair loss and skin problems, but it is rare. Dietary sources include red meat, eggs, seeds, and nuts. Supplements are unlikely to cause harm but they are not proven to help with hair, skin, and […]

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