Is Saudi Army Strong?

Is Saudi Army Strong? The Armed Forces are one of the best-funded in the world. Saudi Arabia has the world’s ninth largest defense budget. International Institute for Strategic Studies estimates in 2017 listed a total of 127,000 personnel (75,000 RSLF; 13,500 Navy; 20,000 Air Force; 16,000 Air Defense; and Strategic Missile Forces 2,500). Which is […]

Why did the Procoptodon go extinct?

Why did the Procoptodon go extinct? Procoptodon goliah would have overlapped with Aboriginal people for as long as 30,000 years. In New South Wales, Aboriginal people still recount stories of a large, long-armed, aggressive kangaroo that would attack people. Its extinction may have been due to climate shifts during the Pleistocene. What caused the extinction […]

What did Andrew Wiles discover?

What did Andrew Wiles discover? Andrew Wiles is a mathematician best known for proving Fermat’s Last Theorem. This celebrated achievement arose out of his earlier work on the study of elliptic curves and has led to significant advances in the field of number theory. How old was Andrew Wiles when he proved Fermat’s Last theorem? […]

Is air pollution causing cancer?

Is air pollution causing cancer? It’s no surprise that air pollution has been linked with lung cancer. A new study suggests that pollution is also associated with increased risk of mortality for several other types of cancer, including breast, liver, and pancreatic cancer. How does air pollution affect health in China? Evidence from cohort studies […]

Is Geranium a DMAA?

Is Geranium a DMAA? Manufacturers often refer to its presence by the name Geranamine® implying that DMAA is found in the plant species Geranium and Pelargonium known collectively as Geraniaceae. Why is geranium oil good for skin? Used cosmetically or topically in general, Geranium Essential Oil is reputed to effectively eliminate dead cells, tighten the […]

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