How hot is Thai chili oil?

How hot is Thai chili oil? Before season 4, their 7th-8th hot sauce (out of 10) would be around 80k-100k Scoville Heat Units. A single Thai chili ranges from 50k to 100k. How long does Thai chili oil last? When it’s ready, chili oil can be stored at room temperature in a sealed jar for […]

How fast is a Roma 150cc?

How fast is a Roma 150cc? 50 miles per hour Commonly known as the Super Hornet Scooter, the Roma 150 is powered by a single cylinder, air-cooled 150cc engine that can reach speeds of up to 50 miles per hour, making it a very capable bike on highway commutes. How fast does a Super Hornet […]

What is gamma in an image?

What is gamma in an image? Gamma correction controls the overall brightness of an image. Images which are not properly corrected can look either bleached out, or too dark. Varying the amount of gamma correction changes not only the brightness, but also the ratios of red to green to blue. (Example of this color phenomenon). […]

Is Saitama a Superman parody?

Is Saitama a Superman parody? Saitama is not a parody per se, he is more of a subversion of the trope of the Ultimate superhero, the same way Goku and Superman are in their respective cultures. To get why the series is working you have to understand a form of narrative shorthand called a trope. […]

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