What is panel data in econometrics?

What is panel data in econometrics? Panel data consist of repeated observations over time on the same set of cross-sectional units. These units can be individuals, firms, schools, cities, or any collection of units one can follow over time. What is Micro panel data? Panel data refers to pooling observations on a cross-section of households, […]

What happens to feedlot horses?

What happens to feedlot horses? With an inadequate food and water supply, horses are kept languishing in these feedlots with no shelter at all, exposed to extreme weather conditions, from snowstorms to burning Texas summer sun, until they are shipped across the border to be killed hundreds of miles away. How does horse adoption work? […]

What is the climate of northern Egypt?

What is the climate of northern Egypt? Egypt’s climate is dry, hot, and dominated by desert. It has a mild winter season with rain falling along coastal areas, and a hot and dry summer season (May to September). Egypt also experiences hot wind storms, known as “khamsin”, which carry sand and dust and sweep across […]

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