Which IP address are non routable?

Which IP address are non routable? Any IP address that falls specified ranges is a private IP address and is non-routable on the Internet. These addresses are reserved for use only within private/corporate network and cannot be seen outside the private networks. What are the non routable protocol? A communications protocol that contains only a […]

What is a 72 grade?

What is a 72 grade? 72 – 70 = C- Is a 72 a C+? I use percentages to map to letter grades….Grading Numerology. Number → Letter Conversion Numerical Grade Letter Grade ≥ 77.5 C+ ≥ 72.5 C ≥ 70.0 C- Is 72 percent a good grade? A – is the highest grade you can […]

What does denial Code N362 mean?

What does denial Code N362 mean? number of Days or Units of Service exceeds N362 The number of Days or Units of Service exceeds our acceptable maximum. CO p08 The required modifier is missing or the modifier is invalid for the procedure code 16 Claim/service lacks information or has submission/billing error(s). What is denial code […]

What happens to Gannicus?

What happens to Gannicus? As Gannicus lies on the ground he looks up to see Oenomaus. Reminded of what he is fighting for, he stands up and breaks the spear Caburus thrusts at him drives the spear into his mouth and breaking his jaw, killing him. Who played Gannicus? Dustin ClareSpartacus Gannicus/Voiced by Dustin Clare […]

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