What is neuritic leprosy?

What is neuritic leprosy? Neuritis in leprosy is usually a sub-acute, demyelinating and non-remitting event involving cutaneous nerves and larger peripheral nerve trunks. The nerves are immune protected sites due to the inherent blood-nerve barrier. What does leprosy look like on the face? Signs of leprosy are painless ulcers, skin lesions of hypopigmented macules (flat, […]

What is the story of Ganesha?

What is the story of Ganesha? Like all gods in the Hindu pantheon, Ganesh has a mythological origin. He is the son of Shiva and his consort Parvati, both of human form and yet he bears the head of an elephant. And so Ganesh was born and Parvati was happy and occupied. The story goes […]

What is the meaning of eusociality?

What is the meaning of eusociality? Definition of eusocial : living in a cooperative group in which usually one female and several males are reproductively active and the nonbreeding individuals care for the young or protect and provide for the group eusocial termites, ants, and naked mole rats. Why does eusociality exist? Eusociality arises by […]

How can I show my personality?

How can I show my personality? Then read on for some ways to really take others into consideration, and be as likable as ever, while still being yourself. Ask Other People About Their Passions. Make Sure Everyone Is Included. Know How To Respectfully Disagree. Be As Genuine As Possible. Be OK With Not Knowing Things. […]

What happened on June 6 1966?

What happened on June 6 1966? June 6, 1966 (Monday) The day after African-American activist James Meredith began his “March Against Fear”, walking the 235 miles from Memphis, Tennessee, to Jackson, Mississippi, to “tear down the fear that grips Negroes in Mississippi”, he was shot from ambush. Who was born on the 6th of June […]

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