What is Shamir Autograph 2?

What is Shamir Autograph 2? Each Shamir Autograph II is a custom-made personalized lens created to the highest level of optical accuracy (up to 1/100 diopters) by combining each patient’s unique measures and Personalized Freeform Technology. Every frame picked will have the most optimal design specifically tailored to the frame and patient. What is Shamir […]

What are the 3 modes of environmental scanning?

What are the 3 modes of environmental scanning? Environmental scanning includes both looking at information (viewing) and looking for information (searching). Research in organization science suggests that it might be helpful to distinguish between four modes of organizational scanning: undirected viewing, conditioned viewing, informal search and formal search. What are the different types of environmental […]

What kills bridal creeper?

What kills bridal creeper? herbicide Spraying herbicide is the most effective method of controlling bridal creeper. Biological control is also having an impact in many areas; local communities can become involved in rearing and releasing the bridal creeper leafhopper and spreading the rust fungus. Is bridal creeper a perennial? Bridal Creeper is a perennial climber […]

How long does Intergrain DWD last?

How long does Intergrain DWD last? Dwd is a great product for 12 months protection . It is recommended to use Dimensions 4 before applying dwd to ensure the lifespan of dwd is achieved . The life span should be between 2-4 years , skipping this step reduces the lifespan dramatically and usually will last […]

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