What does biological mean in medical terms?

What does biological mean in medical terms?

(BY-oh-LAH-jih-kul) Pertaining to biology or to life and living things. In medicine, refers to a substance made from a living organism or its products. Biologicals may be used to prevent, diagnose, treat or relieve of symptoms of a disease. For example, antibodies, interleukins, and vaccines are biologicals.

What does biological dictionary mean?

1 : of or relating to biology or to life and living processes. 2 : used in or produced by applied biology. 3 : connected by direct genetic relationship rather than by adoption or marriage her biological father.

Is biology a medical term?

Bio-: Prefix indicating living plants or creatures, as in biology (the study of living organisms).

What is a biological example?

The definition of biological is something that relates to life or living. An example of biological is water helping the kidneys flush waste and toxins from the body. An example of biological is a mother and her son to whom she gave birth.

What does biology Dictionary mean?

1. the scientific study of life or living matter in all its forms and processes. 2. the living organisms of a region: the biology of Pennsylvania. 3. the biological phenomena characteristic of an organism or a group of organisms. bi•ol’o•gist, n.

What does the word biological mean?

Definition of biological. 1: of or relating to biology or to life and living processes. 2: used in or produced by applied biology. 3: connected by direct genetic relationship rather than by adoption or marriage her biological father.

What does biological information mean?

Biological meaning is continuously transferred between the genomes of selfish elements and hosts in the process of their coevolution . Thus, in order to adequately describe genome function and evolution, the concepts of information theory have to be adapted to incorporate the notion of meaning that is central to biology.

What does the biological mean?

Medical Definition of biological. 1 : of or relating to biology or to life and living processes. 2 : used in or produced by applied biology. 3 : related by direct genetic relationship rather than by adoption or marriage an adoptee who searched for years for her biological parents.


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